It's funny how people react to appearances. Nobody at work had seen me before without this obvious object in my face, so it was a shock for some people.
"You look different!" Duuuhh. Really?
"Your eyes are green!" Well, hazel actually. Today they just look greener than usual. And this was a girl with whom I have daily interaction. Didn't she notice before?
"You look great!" That's the kind of compliment I want to hear to keep me encouraged.
I remember the exact moment I started seeing blurry. I was eight, I think, and I was in my third grade classroom, writing down some notes on my notebook. The teacher had written some stuff on the chalkboard that we had to copy. I was looking back and forth, from the board to my notebook. At one point, when I was reading the board, something pop in my eyes, and they got teary. I rubbed them hard, and when I tried to read from the chalkboard again, I couldn't see a thing!
For many years, I hated wearing glasses. I thought I looked stupid, ugly and nerdy. And of course, when you get to your teen years, you must look like everybody else. You want to fit in. So, as soon as I turned 13, I got my first set of contact lenses. Oh I was so happy. I wore them all the time, neglecting my poor glasses, leaving them on the side, on some dusty corner.
I rediscovered them some years ago. I had to get a new prescription and, while waiting for my turn in the eye glasses shop, I spotted a nice, clean looking pair that got my attention. I tried them on and they fit perfectly. So I changed my mind and got them instead. I've been enjoying the simplicity and practicality of eye glasses for quite a while now. But after three years, I want to update my look. And this is the fastest and most efficient way I know.
I've worn glasses most of my life and only in the past few years have switched to contacts. But now I can't stand to go back to glasses. I always feel like I'm looking out of a fishbowl.
The changes are good. But I still prefer my old glasses yet.
As you describe, I think you have myopia. What about astigmatism?
I guess it gets worse with time....and sitting in the computer at the bank all day long doesn't help at all.
Have any of you ever considered eye surgery?? It scares me a little bit....
La cirugía ocular, tienen sus indicaciones.
Por ahora mi miopía no lo requiere.
A mi me gustan tus lentes.
I'm definitely interested in corrective surgery for my vision, but it is a little scary. Plus I couldn't afford it at this point in my life. Maybe someday...
Yo les diria que los lentes te provoca naturalidad. pero la belleza indiscutible de una mujer con sus espejuelos cuando son su personalidad es lo mas hermoso que existe
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