Eating habits have always been an issue for me. I think I eat right but really, I don't. I try, I really do, but I'm not consistent enough. I do exercise, so at least that part is covered. I've been running often enough to be able to run five miles straight, and that's my best record so far. I also do yoga and swim every now and then. Again, my problem is consistency so I think there's some space for improvement in this department.
My resolution number 2 is not so much about losing weight but more about quality. Quality control regarding what kind of food I input into my body. I want to establish a healthy pattern of eating more veggies and fruits and to follow an exercise routine. So less sweets, less bread, and more high fiber and greens.
For the time being I started a detox of flour. No bread, no pasta, no crackers. At least for a month. I had a baking spree the last couple of weeks that fed my most hated love handles. So this detox will help me achieve a fresh start on my own personal quest for total well being.