Wednesday, November 26, 2008

So much to write... so little time.

I have been up since 4:30 am. Well, not literally, since I stayed in bed tossing and turning. Just couldn't fall asleep again. I have so much garbage revolving in my head right now. It needs to be taken care of or otherwise I will go nuts.

My family came to visit for Thanksgiving week. I've had a full house since last Friday and it has been kind of hectic and chaotic. My sister came from the north and my parents from the south. I'm in the middle so it's the most convenient place for everybody to meet. I had been looking forward to their visit, although I knew it was going to be an emotional challenge. Don't get me wrong: I love my family more than anything. It’s just that sometimes communicating with them can become a difficult engagement. Too big personalities, so much time apart from each other... people change in those lapses of time. If you didn’t keep up along the way, you better be ready for the surprises.

We were four kids growing up together. My sister is the oldest, I come in five years later as the second child, and then I have two smaller brothers, three years apart from each other. My sister was my hero while I was growing up. I thought she was the coolest person alive. Of course, if you ask her all she remembers is that I used to bite her when she wanted to play with me or wouldn’t stand still when she told me to. But that was when I was four or five years of age. By the time I was a teenager I was ready to make her my role model. I wanted to hang out with her friends and listen to their gossiping about boys. I wanted to do everything like her, look like her, listen to the same music she did. Then she graduated from High School and headed out to college. That was the beginning of a series of disenchantments on both sides of the story.

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